Become a Member
The Montana Sex Offender Treatment Association’s (MSOTA) mission is to promote community safety and education by maintaining professional standards for the evaluation and effective treatment of sexual offenders, individuals with sexually abusive behaviors, and/or sexual behavior problems. MSOTA promotes education and training throughout the state and region.
Update for 2022: The State of Montana now gives direct endorsement for professionals who provide Sex Offender Risk Assessments and Treatment. To apply for a License Endorsement Click Here
A number of MSOTA clinical members are recognized nationally for their work and expertise in the area of evaluation and treatment of sexual offenders. The relatively small population of Montana has enabled the association to coordinate efforts and provide consistency of services throughout the state.
The association has a number of committees to address specific concerns including:
Education/Public Relations
Evaluation & Treatment Standards
MSOTA Clinical Membership
Professionals who are qualified to perform independent evaluations of sex offenders as well as direct treatment. MSOTA members are required, at a minimum, to have a master’s degree in social work, psychology, or counseling and an appropriate state license to perform mental health therapy and an endorsement from the MT Board of Behavioral Health. To apply for a License Endorsement Click Here
MSOTA will continue to provide professional support and advanced training for those working with sexual offenders to professional treatment providers, members of the Justice, Law Enforcement, and Correctional systems, educators, social support organizations, and the general public.
Associate Members
Mental health professionals who are not certified as a clinical member or professionals who perform non-therapeutic services in working within the field of sexual abuse. This includes case management, probation and parole, social services, students, or other parties interested in offender treatment and community safety. Associate Members are encouraged to participate in MSOTA policy discussions as resources to advise however, Associate Members are not eligible to vote on MSOTA policies, this is reserved in our by-laws for Clinical Members.
Associates members are required to apply for membership and must provide letters of recommendation as well as documentation of education and training. Associate Members do not need to be Licensed by the Board of Behavioral Health.
All members of the association are held to ethical standards which are outlined in the Code of Ethics published by ATSA
Board Members
MSOTA’s Board is composed of professionals throughout the state. This presently includes professionals from a variety of disciplines such as corrections, judicial, attorneys, mental health, etc. The Board provides additional input, support, and direction to the association. Board members serve two year terms. Click here to express your interest in joining the MSOTA Board of Directors.

Victims of sexual assault were under the age of 18
Were assaulted by someone they knew or knew by sight.
Victims of sexual assault were under the age of 12.